For the past month colleges and other horticultural institutions in the south east of England have been holding local heats to find the brainiest of the brainy in horticulture. The top eight of these will fight it out tomorrow evening at Alexandra Palace for the Regional Title. It's a bit like University Challenge but with less classical music and a more polite quizmaster. Questions will range from 'on the buzzer' speed rounds, to directed questions and through to plant, p&d and equipment idents.
Similar excitement is simultaneously taking place around the UK, in eight different regions. On April 13th, the winners of these Regional Finals will once again flex their buzzer fingers and fight it out to the death at Ness Botanics in Liverpool for the Grand Final. Ok not death, but it might be a little tense.
With Glory comes a £2000 travel bursary; a wonderful opportunity to head off and check out how they do horticulture elsewhere in the world. Last year's winner, Douglas Mackay went to look at fruit production in Europe. I was lucky enough to win the prize the year before (goodness knows how - I looked like a frightened bunny and felt more terrified the whole way through) and headed to the US to see how they interpret their gardens to the public. In 2010 Faye Steer went on a thrilling jaunt to China - it really is a great opportunity.
The competition also opens many doors for its entrants. As well as keeping in touch with one another the IoH are great at involving past winners in its activities. Faye was part of their pilot mentoring scheme, Douglas is getting involved in their focus groups and I am now organising the YHoY competition for the south east region. I have to say the sight of the buzzers did bring back a little of the terror, but past that it's a great experience and involves some wonderful people - both the Young horticulturists and the IoH Committees.
It would be great to see as many people as possible at the Regional Final tomorrow - no need to book, just turn up to Alexandra Palace at 7pm for a buffet and some thrilling entertainment. Get ready to witness the future of horticulture. Probably looking slightly alarmed.
More info here:
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